Maximize profits with Value Based Pricing Consulting
In industry pricing is often oriented towards internal cost structure and competitorsā pricing. With our customer value oriented approach (Value Based Pricing Consulting) you unlock potential and increase your profits.
Value Based Pricing: higher prices for more customer value
In setting prices, existing competitive advantages are often ignored and the actual value to the customer is underestimated. Usually cost reduction potentials are already exhausted during product development and during the optimization of ongoing production
In contrast the effect of pricing on profit margins is erroneously estimated as insignificant. But customer value oriented pricing markups using Value Based Pricing can contribute to profit growth. The objective value of a product determines the price sensitivity of the customer, and the willingness to pay of each customer depends on its individual situation. With Value Based Pricing a customer-neutral Value Based Price and a customer-tailored surcharge factor are determined.

Value Based Pricing tailored
The optimal pricing and financial evaluations of customer value always require an individual approach. Our Sales & Marketing experts who are experienced in consulting and industry management tailor each Value-Based-Pricing-Project exactly to your requirements and individual circumstances. he respective value of a product is determined by us with support from your industry experts using multi-dimensional, weighted evaluation criteria. With the help of price functions and using the resulting evaluation factors , individual, value-oriented product prices can be determined. In order to avoid erroneous assessments the results of Value Based Pricing undergo multiple proof cycles. he evaluations of the products are compared with each other and compared to reference prices. Through our systematic Value Based Pricing approach with clustering and evaluation automatisms you quickly obtain precise results.
Typical Results from Value Based Pricing Consulting
- Rapid increase of profit margin by up to 5% points
- Increased revenues with nearly the same sales quantity (fully utilized margin potential)
- Optimization of margin by retaining customer satisfaction (focus on customer willingness to pay)
- Transparent price-setting system
- Price difference based on customer requirements
Value Based Pricing applied
The service business of a machine manufacturer was more profitably sustained using Value Based Pricing. Due to our systematic process, dissymmetries in previous pricing could be eliminated on the one hand. On the other hand new profit potential was unlocked through the multidimensional pricing structure for all service products. The internal Value-Based-Pricing-Process was accompanied by well prepared, stringent communications with customers. Thus in the service area price increases have been implemented and profit margins increased within a short time by up to 30%. With the target oriented support of TARGUS the prices of the entire service range of products had been reworked in only 3 months and the positive results quickly impacted the operating profit.