Technical Sales & Marketing scores with profitable advantages
EU-wide invitations to bid are the norm for manufacturers of capital goods. Due to the focus on sales and technical evaluation criteria, customer value and pricing often fall behind. With our special consulting approach for technical sales we show you how to achieve higher turnover with more value for your customers.
Added Value creates flexibility for technical sales & marketing
Especially in large organizations there is a trend away from sales technicians to buyers who act according to formal bid specifications. Consulting and sales flexibility for sales employees as for the buyers on the customer side is reduced to a minimum. Customer value is forgotten for the most part as well as the question as to what the customer would be willing to pay.
Our management consultants support your sales organization in determining what the requirements of your customers actually are, where the advantage lies in your products, and where the customer can see value for himself. In close collaboration with your in-house experts and your customer‘s managers we create business value added for you and your customer.
Technical Sales & Marketing tailored
In order to deliver customer value precise work must be done. In 3 steps we prepare tailored suggestions to improve your sales performance. We look at the product benefits from the customer’s point of view and evaluate the product advantages and disadvantages.

Typical Results from Technical Sales & Marketing
- Product optimization
- Bessere Positionierung der Produkte im Wettbewerb
- Better competitive position of products
- Open up new market potential
- Cost advantages for the customer