Market Potential Analysis (MPA) for Saturated Markets

Market Potential Analysis (MPA) for Saturated Markets

Before the product launch market analyses were carried out as a matter of course. Market Potential Analysis (MPA) can also serve as an efficient instrument for the evaluation of saturated markets and to identify new markets. With differentiated market models we give you the wherewithal to open up additional market potential.

Market Potential Analysis (MPA) creates sustainable growth

With looming or already existing market saturation, companies must find new application areas and new sales markets in order to ensure sustainable growth. At the same time the handling of existing markets must be regularly reviewed and critically scrutinized.

With our systematic Market Potential Analysis (MPA) we support you in this endeavor to identify further growth markets including those outside of your usual market and product segments. How can SALES & MARKETING be successfully carried out in existing, saturated markets? What is the rationale for entering new market segments? Using the results of the Market Potential Analysis (MPA) our TARGUS SALES & MARKETING experts prepare detailed decision memos and well-founded suggestions. These are supplemented with assessment of your competitors as well as considerations of risks and opportunities.

Market Potential Analysis (MPA) tailored

Based on a systematic and quantitative customer and market analysis we develop specific potential estimates for selected industries and product applications jointly with our customers. .

Thus we tailor each Market Potential Analysis (MPA) individually to the requirements of our customers.

Transparency phase

Together with you we generate an agreed upon understanding with regards to the goals and expectations.

Data gathering phase

With the support of your employees we collect all necessary information regarding the competitive situation, customer attitudes and suppliers.

Preparation Phase

During the evaluation TARGUS can call upon extensive internal and external experts from many industries and has at their disposal extensive specialized knowledge.

Results Phase

Wir erstellen Entscheidungsvorlagen mit Handlungsoptionen und ausführlichen Marktpotenzialberechnungen.

Typical Results of Market Potential Analysis (MPA)

  • Risk/Opportunity evaluation for existing markets
  • Risk/Opportunity evaluation for existing markets
  • Exploitation of additional markets
  • Development of market entry strategies

Market Potential Analysis (MPA) applied

In an agricultural technology company we researched using Market Potential Analysis (MPA) the question of which component groups could be replaced by internal products.

For a detailed market potential calculation we first segmented the market to be researched and identified the substitution potential using examples. Additionally we examined the actual sales opportunities over potential customers and the intensity of competition in the respective market segments. Using Market Potential Analysis (MPA) we could rapidly determine new, achievable target potential and identify further course of action.


Do you have any questions about our services?

TARGUS Management Consulting AG
Dechenstraße 7
40878 Ratingen
+49 (0) 21 02 – 94 22 66


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