Efficient Product Development

Efficient product development lowers change costs

Flexibility, efficiency and innovative capability are essential factors in the area of product development. In opposition are ever increasing customer demands as well as tight schedules and cost budgets. In order to utilize existing resources most effectively it is important to first begin with product development and not in production. Right from the start of the development phase the approach developed by TARGUS Efficient Product Development direct its attention to the rigorous avoidance of all non-essential processes and work steps. For efficient product development is the key to optimum use of resources.

Efficient product development eliminates unnecessary processes

Although most companies have a formal product development process (PEP), in reality they are not comprehensively applied. But even with focused planning and construction methods a significant percentage of total costs and project run time are caused by change costs especially with large projects.

A comprehensive approach to efficient product development depends on the available structures and detailed analysis of the former process steps in the essential areas of product development:

Requirements Management

  • Timely, precise mapping of customer requirements and connection with company in-house requirements
  • Formulation of clear design guidelines
  • Forward looking planning and strong systematization of requirements management to avoid modification

Product Development

  • Introduction of front loading, that is increase planning effort in the early concept phase of product development to favor a clearly defined process from planning to manufacturing
  • Minimising unplanned activities for sustainable resource use

Change Management

  • Rapid identication of change requirements, comprehensive evaluation and timely countermeasures/actions
  • Close cooperation with Requirements Management
  • High transparency of the current project status in each phase of the individual projects
  • Stringent recording of number, scope and status of all changes, especially in large projects

Efficient Product Development tailored for you

Transparency, timely recognition of change requirements and rapid response increase flexibility in product development and lead to significant cost savings. Based on customer specific requirements in the product development process our experienced consultants develop tailored approaches for efficient product development.

Based on our many years of experience in the areas of mechanical engineering, ship building and large projects using our efficient product development methods we can quickly recognize optimization potential and also support the company in concrete design and operating implementation.

Reviews are carried out according to firm guidelines to create transparency in the development progress and form the basis for necessary decisions and corrective measures. The steps of the review processes are defined by TARGUS along with the project leaders within the company. TARGUS also assists with the initial reviews in the pilot projects. Further reviews can then be carried out by the company independently.

In addition to the procedures for requirements management, product development and change management, TARGUS can complement its efficient product development approach upon request with other Tools from tracking of measures through individucal coaching of Requirements or Change Managers.

Typical Results of Efficient Product Development

  • Cost reductions in the product development process of up to 20% through more efficient allocation of resources, more transparency, better planning and flexible reaction to all change requirements
  • Reduction of product development expenditures through structured and systematic management of requirements, rigorous reviews and management via quality gates
  • Lowering of change costs through timely identification of changes, comprehensive evaluation and speedy execution
  • Higher commitment for customers and sub-suppliers through clear agreements and defined design guidelines
  • Quicker Time-to-Market and higher innovation capability through elimination of process delays and unnecessary ballast

Efficient Product Development as applied

Through company acquisitions our customer from the pharmaceutical industry needed to coordinate the various R&D departments, integrate processes and create an efficient network.

To solve this task our consultants conducted a review of the entire R&D network using our Efficient Product Development methods. Along with the evaluation of the current situation a target plan was also prepared. This comparision revealed several deviations. Together with the department heads TARGUS developed implementation plans that were tailored to the individual R&D departments.

TARGUS supported the organization realignment of the R&D network along the developed Roadmap. Through implementation of Efficient Product Development measures additional savings potential could be activated and sustainable performance improvement incrementally achieved.


Do you have any questions about our services?

TARGUS Management Consulting AG
Dechenstraße 7
40878 Ratingen
+49 (0) 21 02 – 94 22 66

Inside TARGUS Management Consulting AG: An Interview with Board Member Andreas Sans


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