Project Management Office (PMO)

Diverse tasks in the field of tension between project and line-organization

One of the large organizational challenges is to establish project-specific ways of working in line-oriented corporate structures. This requires methodological expertise and effective tools on the one hand, and experience in project management on the other. TARGUS sets up implementation-oriented PMOs and provides support during the start-up phase to establish new methods and ways of working.

Tailored Solutions: get and stay ready to act fast with TARGUS’ project management standards and proven methods

Based on our experience, we have developed and continuously optimized suitable methods and process standards for all types of project management. With these, we support the project setup quickly and effectively, so that the project team can focus on the content-related work. Our proven standards serve as the basis for efficient and pragmatic adaptation to the customer’s individual needs. In addition to communicating and implementing the standards, our experienced consultants can take on operational tasks and roles in project management or other process areas. These may include configuration, document, or change management.

Continuity instead of firefighting

With TARGUS, the well-organized project management team acts proactively, provides essential guidelines, and keeps the project goals in sight, even in confusing situations. In time, every single project employee comes to feel and appreciates this. Thus, daily business is governed with continuity rather than firefighting, which permanently lowers the stress level in the project.

Project results

  • Set up of methods and process standards

  • Transparency in every project phase

  • Training and empowerment of employees


Do you have any questions about our services?

TARGUS Management Consulting AG
Dechenstraße 7
40878 Ratingen
+49 (0) 21 02 – 94 22 66


Success Story “Cost Reduction and Process Optimisation in Overhead”

TARGUS @ BME Symposium 2024 in BERLIN

Inside TARGUS Management Consulting AG: An Interview with Board Member Andreas Sans

HBM Ad Special “Product Value Management”